Shantanu Deshmukh, PFM 2013-15, Lead – Embedded Finance @ Piramal Finance

Batch -2013-15
Current Location – Mumbai
Role -Associate Vice President
” He advises that in the early years – learn as much as you can in whichever organization or sector you are working, make good connections, don’t carry many liabilities, keep looking for better opportunities and do not shy away from taking a leap when you find one, take risks, don’t burn bridges, don’t look back.”

Shantanu has been working in the Financial sector for close to 10 years. He has worked across various products and functions in the lending sector. His core interests are Digital Lending and Consumer Fnance. He has worked extensively on these products with industry leading fintechs, NBFCs and Banks operating this domain.

An Electrical Engineer by Graduation, Shantanu decided to persue Post Graduation at IIFM because of unique blend PGDFM program offers – An MBA with nature and grass root development at its core.

Currently he is working as DVP and Growth Lead – Digital Lending at Piramal Finance. His persuite in his career is driven by his curiosity for how people use money in the digital age and how these changing trends are impacting the large and developing economies like India.

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Q. How has been your journey from IIFM so far?

A. Exciting and fulfilling.
I landed my job with Axis Bank in the Campus recruitment by chance. Just before the Axis results were announced, I was about to enter the final interview of a prominent Organization in the environmental sector. I had to choose one and eventually decided to accept the Axis Offer. I often think about that moment and how different life would have been had I gone ahead with the other role. The journey since then has been enjoyable.

For the first couple of years, I was still skeptical whether I wanted to pursue a career in finance as I kept romancing with the idea of working in the environment sector. But slowly it grew on me. I got the opportunity to work in very exciting roles and projects. I was lucky to work in the leading organizations in the sector and with prominent minds.

I started with Axis Bank where I learned the basics of Banking and Lending Science while working on Rural Finance Products. Next I joined Yes Bank and worked on Risk Management Tools. Next move came with the help of my friends from IIFM. I joined Northern Arc Capital and pivoted towards digital lending space. It was very eventful and exciting. It made me more confident about my professional skills and experience. Also provided clarity on where I would like to see this path progressing. Next I joined DMI Finance because it was a leading organization in Digital finance industry. Recently I have started working with Piramal Finance as a lead for consumer and digital finance products. I feel happy about the way it has been where’s it headed. 

Q. What were some of the key milestones/learning in this journey that you would like to share with us?

A. The journey out of IIFM kicked off in style from the day of my campus recruitment as I have already shared. And it has been eventful ever since.

Every project delivery, goals achieved, tasks completed, recognition and appreciation received has been a step ahead and elevated me to the next level.

Being specific, two incidents have shaped my journey after IIFM. Coincidently, both of them occurred in 2020.

In Mar’20 I joined Northern Arc Capital and took a sharp turn in my professional journey. I moved from traditional finance to Digital Lending domain. l could not imagine continue to work forever in my earlier roles, but the current domain excites me and invokes my curiosity. Will always be thankful to Anirudh Dhakar (PFM 13-15) and Saurabh Khodke (PFM 13-15) for helping me to switch on the other side.

In Dec’20, me and Jayati (PFM 13-15) tied the knot. I mentioned about how the journey has been exciting, fulfilling, eventful, etc. But she is the one who makes this journey beautiful. She has been my companion, support and admirer at every step since IIFM. The journey till now and hereafter with all its ups and down is worth because I get to share it with her.

Q. What is the most satisfying part in your career?

A. I am working on new age and digitally driven products in the Finance and Lending industry. I am intrigued about how technology is influencing the borrowing and spending patterns of people and how it is shaping a large economy like ours. Lucky to get to watch this transition up close.

Another reason which makes me feel privileged are the people I get to work with. Across organizations and roles I got an opportunity to work with extremely talented and smart people.

Q. Has your learning at IIFM helped in shaping how you approach your professional roles?

A.   The two years at IIFM inculcates the maturity that is missing in a fresh graduate. This maturity makes a lot of difference in the early years of your career.

And if one can fully utilize the potential of IIFM it can catapult you professionally and personally way ahead of other MBA programs.

I myself am guilty of being casual about the “academics” during my stay at IIFM. Only after completing the two years at IIFM you realize that you were residing in a goldmine of knowledge and learning.

  • meticulously designed courses,
  • deeply embedded DNA of grassroot development and environmental sensitivity which differentiates PGDFM/SM from any other MBA Program
  • Free flowing wisdom of the Professors
  • The X Factor of the Professors belonging to IFS Fraternity (this is also something which you wont find anywhere else)
  • The Library – just take a stroll in between all the shelves and you know what I am talking about
  • The heck of a campus which just doesn’t let you have a bad day.

I would insist everyone from current batches to exploit this goldmine to its fullest.

Shantanu with his batchmates at the library lawn

Q. Who (or what) are the biggest influences or drivers in your careers? What would be your advice to freshers and IIFM graduates who are looking to choose similar sectors/roles.

A. I strive for innovation, impact, growth and balance in my professional life. Modern workplaces are very dynamic. It takes time to figure out what is making sense for you in this chaos. I would suggest everyone in their early days of professional life to not get overwhelmed by the complexity and take your time to settle. Once you find what is working out for you, cling to it without getting deviated by the noise around you.

In the early years – learn as much as you can in whichever organization or sector you are working, make good connections, don’t carry many liabilities, keep looking for better opportunities and do not shy away from taking a leap when you find one, take risks, don’t burn bridges, don’t look back.

Q. What are your favorite memories during your IIFM days?

A.   It is difficult to explain how much joy every moment spent at IIFM brought to us. But the most memorable times are the ones we spent out of IIFM. The Internships and Filed Trips. Again, something very unique to IIFM

Spending weeks on exotic locations with your friends on fully sponsored trips is a dream come true. And we had it twice in two years 🙂 Needless to say, the exposure such trips give you on real world management problems is once in a life time opportunity. Plus, the interactions with the people working closely on these issues guided by our able professors was a learning experience like no where else.

No matter whichever domain you may decide to pursue post IIFM, the learning from the field trips and internship is always going to be relevant and important.

Speaking of on campus memories I would like to call out a few places where I had some of the best moments. I am sure folks from around my time can relate. 119, India Gate, Andheri Gali, the Canteen,  the Terrace of the canteen, the Cave, the Lake.

Bro-Code; Shantanu on a drive with his batchmates

Q. In hindsight, what was the biggest contribution  or take away from IIFM that you think played a critical role in shaping you as an individual or professional?

A.   I owe a large part of my current self to IIFM. It will be difficult to call out what part of IIFM contributed more to it. It is the perfect recipe that IIFM is which makes everything fruitful. As mentioned earlier, various aspects of IIFM influenced and shaped me. To call out – the specially curated PGDFM course, the professors, the campus, the internship, the friends and the memories.

Q. The best buddies / seniors /faculty at IIFM? Some memorable tidbits that you like to share.

A. I found my life partner at IIFM. Couldn’t have asked for more.

The close-knit bond we have among the friends from IIFM is the biggest support system for all of us.

Shantanu with his buddies Anirudh and Saurabh at Van Vihar

Faculty – CSR Sir, Kala Sir, Maduguni Sir, David Sir, Advait Sir, Amitabh Sir, Patil Sir IFS, Dharni Sir IFS. I wish every student ever would get a chance to attend a lecture from them. Their passion for this institution and its students is unmatched.

Q. As an alumni, what’s your advice to freshers or those are joining IIFM to get best out of the 2 years there ?

A. 1. Pay utmost attention to the academics. You won’t find such courses and professors ever again.

2. Try to identify your inclination. IIFM will present you with a endless opportunities by the time you graduate. Try to be wise enough by then to know what will suit you best.

3. Learn the art of Hustle

4. Soak in the energy IIFM radiates

Q. What was your typical day at the work? And how does it look like while you are on a break?

A. In my current role I spend my time building new partnerships for Piramal Finance with fintech and other financial institutions to offer innovative Digital Lending products to the consumers.

This includes meeting prospective and existing partners, strategizing with Senior Management, and collaborating with internal teams to deliver.

Q. And how about weekends, hobbies, family and anything else you want to add?

A. Last year Me and Jayati were blessed with our daughter – ‘Arnayaa’. Since then she rules our weekends, breaks and everything else.

IIFM is a gift which keeps giving.

Shantanu with his better half Jayati also from the batch of 2013-15

Q. Favorite Books, movies, authors?

A. To the current and upcoming batches – Please attend the events by the Movie Club and Book Club @ IIFM. They put in a lot of efforts to bring forth the best literary and cinematic works for you guys.

Q. IIFM is driven by alumni’s passion and commitments towards its goal. How would you like to contribute to IIFM or IIFM alumni, students? Your engagement with IIFM Placement or OT/SI?

A. I am and will always be more than eager to help a fellow IIFM’ites in every way possible. I look at it as my responsibility to upheld the prestige of this institution and I take great pride in doing so. I will urge everyone to reach out without hesitation for anything they wish to.

Q. What do you think is different at IIFM now vs when you studied there?

A. The Alumni committee is way more impactful and outreaching now than it ever was. The impact of this is hard to be missed. We can see more and more engagement across the IIFM community and associated industries. This small group is making a big difference. Kudos to everyone involved.

Q. Any suggestions on who you want to get profiled/interviewed here?

A. You should check out the interesting profiles of my batchmates – Anirudh Dhakar, Saurabh Shukla, Devendra Singh, Saurabh Chauhan, Ramprasad, Vijay Ravi, Benjamin , Samarkant Kalsi, Sangram Sahoo.