Avinaw is a civil engineer first where he worked for 3 years before deciding to study Environment Management from IIFM in 2009 – much because of his newfound interest during that time (once a thriving carbon market!). He considers himself lucky to be picked by Deloitte at IIFM campus. It is his first and the only job after IIFM (13.5 years and going) where he continues to learn and grow.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/avinaw-prasad-5953517
Mail on [email protected]
Q. How has been your journey from IIFM so far?
A. Working for Deloitte has been a fulfilling one all this while.
The firm has provided me with ample opportunities to work in different areas of sustainability across client segments namely – multi-lateral and bilateral funding organizations, ministries, government departments, private and public sector companies across sectors. My current focus area is net zero transition planning and climate resilience.
Working for a consulting firm was something that I had decided when I was in the second year at IIFM. Big 4 consulting firms did not come for campus hiring during that time. Thanks to some of the most enterprising batchmates of mine (Richa, Bhoumik, Nakul, Karan and many more) who drew a grand plan to attract corporates and consulting firms – organize a mega event on climate change – “EnviroConclave” – a two-day very successful event which attracted many companies including representation from Deloitte (my would be boss). It was due to the relentless efforts from placement committee members (a lot of credit goes to Richa) that Deloitte agreed to interview candidates (please note that 14 years ago ESG and Sustainability Consulting was not a hot selling job!).
Q. What were some of the key milestones/learning in this journey that you would like to share with us?
A. It has been a consistent learning journey closely witnessing different leadership styles and the art of building a Personal Brand!
The other thing that I have learnt is that it is highly rewarding in staying interested and patient particularly at the job.
Q. How has been your experience in your current Organization? What all areas have you been working here?
A. My experience at my current organization has been very good. I get the opportunity to work in different areas of ESG strategy and reporting, net zero transformation, decarbonization and climate resilience for different sectors. It is so heartening to see – this once a ‘niche’ sector, exploding the way it has and becoming mainstream agenda for businesses.
Q. What is the most satisfying part in your career?
A. The most satisfying part in my career has been the joy of solving client’s problems (call it ‘client servicing’ in consulting parlance) or supporting them in areas where they are unable to do it themselves either due to lack of time, necessary expertise, or human capital.

The other good part of the job is an opportunity to interact and give presentations to the top leadership team of businesses.
The fun part of working in a consulting firm is frequent traveling and seeing different cities and sometimes countries. Have traveled for work in almost 22 different states and a few countries.
Q. Has your learning at IIFM helped in shaping how you approach your professional roles?
A. Absolutely! From a tactical standpoint, critical thinking, and the art of deduction from limited information at hand is something that gets applied in day-to-day professional life. These are the biggest take-aways from the numerous case studies we were handed out at IIFM.
The field work at IIFM provides a real-world exposure richly complimenting what you learn in classes.
The other aspect that I now reflect, was a learning at IIFM from observing my esteemed Professors, batchmates and some of the seniors – the importance of working incrementally but persistently to solve a problem rather than going whole hog in an impassioned manner – for me it has never worked out the latter way.
Q. Who (or what) are the biggest influences or drivers in your careers? What would be your advice to freshers and IIFM graduates who are looking to choose similar sectors/roles.
A. I do take a pause to observe and admire strengths of different individuals I interact or work with. I have always been an admirer of Prof. CS Rathore, Prof. H S Gupta, Prof. Manmohan Yadav to name a few among many others.
Would not like to prescribe anything here, but what has worked for me in my career so far is importance of staying focused in this world of distractions. Secondly, it is important to have this realization early on in one’s career that that for anything to work out for long and sustainably, it should make “business sense” for everyone involved – This could be true even while working for a social and environmental cause.
Q. What are your favorite memories during your IIFM days?
A. There are many favorites!
In-room parties with non-stop laughter for sure would be the top favorite 😊 Morning bike rides with bunch of batchmates to the swimming pool (Bhopal club I guess!) and then coming back hungry at the breakfast table to enjoy Chandu Bhaiya and mess team’s treat! Rehearsing for skits late in the night, evening football and occasional cricket matches. Can’t miss mentioning fresher’s party and Holi celebrations. These have got etched in my memory, and I cannot skip a smile whenever I reminisce. Would love to reminisce more with batchmates if I get a chance to meet them in future.

Who would forget the field trips – could not have been a more fun filled learning experience. Cannot forget the road journey and evenings after day’s work at the field.
When I look back, I must thank and congratulate amazingly talented coordinators (from senior and my batch) and support coordinators (from the junior batch) of different clubs and committees for working selflessly in making the campus life so vibrant during the period! I am sure this IIFM campus life legacy has continued over time and has become even better.

(Mostly seniors and few batchmates)
Q. In hindsight, what was the biggest contribution or take away from IIFM that you think played a critical role in shaping you as an individual or professional?
A. Difficult to single out one, but it has been a combination of many things together.
Additionally, would say I had the good fortune of being the college student body President (SAAC- President!) in the second year. Taught me few early lessons for life – bringing everybody together, addressing requests from 8-10 different clubs/committees, manage conflicts and art of filtering out suggestions which could be biased and laced with self-interest.

Q. The best buddies / seniors /faculty at IIFM? Some memorable tidbits that you like to share.
A. Anuj was my room partner for both the years. So had wonderful times with him. Spent amazing times with Karan, Sudhanshu, Rammohan, Paresh, Nakul and many more.
Q. As an alum, what is your advice to freshers or those are joining IIFM to get best out of the 2 years there?
A. The IIFM environment and the friends you make here, are bound to sway you in embracing and enjoying campus life. Please do not miss it! Also aim to become coordinators and active members of clubs (thankfully there are so many at IIFM!) – as it teaches you to take responsibility and offers you few real leadership lessons.

But what is also important is to remain focused on academics and internships (SI & Project Work). I believe they can become passports to land you a good first job and impress interviewers. A thorough work at internships and being able to articulate the learnings and achievements is important.
Good academic record makes selection easy for the interviewers. In the professional world, earnest, and folks with clarity of thought are rewarded and appreciated.
Q. Also, what would be your advice for recent graduates who look for changing their sector after working for couple of years?
A. Well, that’s an individual’s choice. But what has worked for me is staying put in a single organization as I always wanted to be in climate change and sustainability consulting and when I look back, I find myself lucky to have worked in some of the areas that we studied at IIFM.
I firmly believe that job should not be a drag. It becomes one, when somebody loses interest in the sector, organisation, or area of work. When that happens it’s time to move on. It’s always better to analyze a sector/organization from interest and reward standpoint well in advance, preferably while in college by talking to seniors, professors, and more importantly doing soul-searching yourself. But once convinced about the area of work and future growth prospects in the organization, just give all in and stay put.
Frequent job hops are also fine if one has strong reasons to do so but should be avoided if the aim is to only chase growth. It always helps to give enough time to your work, update relevant skills, build networks, and nurture professional relationships.
Q. How about weekends, hobbies, family, and anything else you want to add?
A. Weekend is mostly family time. I enjoy swimming and playing chess. Wish I could resume playing cricket and football sometimes.
Q. Favorite Books, movies, authors?
A. Fountainhead by Ayan Rand
Movie – Gravity (after watching it, got a chilling realization how lucky it is to be staying on planet earth, seeing infinite and unforgiving realm of deep space)
Q. IIFM is driven by alumni’s passion and commitments towards its goal. How would you like to contribute to IIFM or IIFM alumni, students? Your engagement with IIFM Placement or OT/SI?
A. Recently hired two IIFM students from the passing batch. Always open to hire IIFM’ites laterally if there is an open position.
Q. Any suggestions on who you want to get profiled/interviewed here?
A. Rohan Raj Mishra, Bhoumik Shah, Akanksha Tiwari, Anshika Singh, Richa Singh, Ria Bakshi