Rajni Prasad Sundru (PFM 1998-00): Senior Vice President and Regional Head South (Leasing) at MS Beyond

Batch -1998-00
Current Location – Bengaluru
Role -Senior Vice President and Regional Head South (Leasing)
“IIFM is probably among the few institutes in the world, which exposes the students to several functions and themes that can help make a deep and sustained impact in various ways.”

Rajni is a Banking & Financial Services Professional having a rich experience of over 23 years in diverse fields, such as, Equipment Leasing, Commercial Banking, Marketing Management & Public Health.

Currently working as a Senior Vice President & Regional Head South (Leasing) in MS Beyond, which is a Corporate Finance Advisory & Debt Syndication Firm after a brief entrepreneurial journey with a start-up named, RunCode DevOps Private Limited as a Co-founder & Chief Business Officer (CBO). Have been instrumental in growing the financing and leasing business and have worked in reputed Multi-National Corporations, such as, Hewlett Packard Financial Services (HPFS) India Private Limited, IBM India Private Limited (IBM) and Waters India Private Limited (Waters). Also, had the privilege of working with reputed Private Sector banks, such as, ICICI Bank Limited (ICICI) and ING Vysya Bank Limited (Currently Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited) handling the Trade & Cash Management Services (CMS) business in the assigned territories. Also, handled the marketing promotion of Products & Services offered by the Rural Micro-banking & Agribusiness Group of ICICI Bank. Had the opportunity to handle the Government Banking business of Yes Bank Limited for the then newly formed Government of Telangana.

Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/rajni-sundru-3a8b911/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/RajniSundru

Insta: https://www.instagram.com/rajni.sundru/

Q. How has been your journey from IIFM so far?

A. My career commenced in the year 2000 and was placed in Basix in a small town named Nandyal in erstwhile Andhra Pradesh (AP) and also worked briefly in a strategic business consultancy named Strategic Industry Services Infotech Private Limited and lost my job during the dot com bubble. This was followed by one of the longest serving organizations, named Hindustan Latex Family Promotion Trust (HLFFPT).

Training of Trainers Program at HLFPPT

Career in banking commenced with ICICI Bank Limited in the year 2005 and thanks to Shika Sharma from PFM 2002 batch, who referred me for the position of Market Development Manager (South & East) in the Rural Micro-banking & Agribusiness Group (RMAG). Went on to work with 2 more banks, namely, ING Vysya Bank Limited (Currently Kotak Mahindra Bank) and Yes Bank Limited. After spending close to a decade in Banking, have moved to Information Technology (IT) Financing and Leasing business in IBM India Private Limited (IBM) which was followed up with Hewlett Packard Financial Services India Private Limited (HPFS).

In Feb 2020, moved to a national role as “Leasing Manager” in Waters India Private Limited (Waters), which is the largest player in Specialty Instruments, wherein the role involved setting up their financial services across the Indian Geography before starting my entrepreneurial journey with IT startup “RunCode DevOps Private Limited”.

Always, grateful for the great opportunities to work in a wide range of areas, such as, microfinance, consulting, public health, marketing, trade and cash management services, government banking and leasing of Information Technology & Specialty Measurement Equipment.

Q. What were some of the key milestones/learning in this journey that you would like to share with us?


  • Embrace Change as change is the only constant
    The career choices have all been natural and spontaneous and most often have been unplanned. I still had the good fortune of working across some of the most reputed companies and have got amazing roles across various functions and/or industries. Have always embraced change as change is the only constant.
    The first and foremost milestone into the development sector, wherein I had the opportunity to work in the fields of microfinance and public health which gave me valuable insights into the financial and health issues faced by the poor and the marginalized.
    Another great milestone has been the shift from the development sector to the corporate world into one of the greatest industries, the banking industry in the year 2006. This was followed by another major shift to IT Financing and Leasing which opened new horizons as I have been exposed to the power of leasing as an effective tool for Asset Lifecycle Management (ALM) and for creating a circular economy. Would soon be giving guest lectures at IIFM.
ICICI Bank, Dwaraka Nagar Commercial Branch, Vizag
  • It’s all about the journey, not the outcome
    Remember the aforementioned quote, by legendary Olympian Sprinter, Carl Lewis. Although my journey has been a great roller coaster ride with a lot of ups and downs, it was still rewarding in more ways than one. Every job is just a great learning opportunity and remember that thereis no right or wrong job. The learning never ends, whether on campus or in the companies we work for. I strongly believe that every journey you embark on is something to cherish, irrespective of the outcome.
  • Work life balance & Self Care
    This single quote by the Ghanaian Inspirational Writer sums it all up. “Life will always get busy, make time to do things you love.” The most important learning is that we need to strive to find the right balance between work and life, as we tend to sacrifice health in the dream of a career. Since, success is meta-physical, remember that career and money are not above the physical and mental well-being of an individual although the monetary aspect cannot be totally ignored. Thereby, there is a need for a fair balance.

Q. What is the most satisfying part in your career?

A. Working in the development sector has been the most humbling experience. Had the opportunity to interact with Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) and Self-Help Groups (SHGs), during my stint with Basix. Even more invaluable is my experience of working with marginalized populations such as, Commercial Sex Workers (CSWs), Migrant Workers, Slum Dwellers, Street Children, Transgender and Truck Drivers vulnerable to HIV/AIDS during my stint with HLFPPT.

This has helped me to be more compassionate and empathetic and helped me make a small difference to the lives of the poor and the marginalized. Although, we take most of the things that we get in life, for granted, they are really out of bounds for the less fortunate and the underprivileged.

Q. Has your learning at IIFM helped in shaping how you approach your professional roles?

A. IIFM is probably among the few institutes in the world, which exposes the students to several functions and themes that can help make a deep and sustained impact in various ways. The Organizational Trainings (OT-now called Summer Internship & Project Work) at ARAVALI, Jaipur, and MART, New Delhi and field work in the Forest Department of Kerala are the best possible opportunities to learn from the field in real life situations.

Beginning of the journey of the PFM 1998 – 2000 Batch

The classroom training involving case studies, assignments and projects have enriched my learning and understanding of both development and management, which has helped me immensely in navigating both the development and corporate worlds with ease.

Q. Who (or what) are the biggest influences or drivers in your careers? What would be your advice to freshers and IIFM graduates who are looking to choose similar sectors/roles.

A. Following men are the greatest influencers.

  • Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, who laid the foundation for Modern India
  • Dr. Nachiket Mor, Former Executive Director, ICICI Bank and Headed an RBI Committee on Financial Inclusion
  • Nikola Tesla, Electrical Engineer & Mechanical Engineer and a Serbian-American Inventor with 300 patents. Famous for his work on Alternating Current
  • Dr. Verghese Kurien, Father of White Revolution and is fondly called the Milkman of India, Founder of AMUL & IRMA

Following is the advice for Freshers for a good career in banking and financial services industry,

  • Excel in finance and accounts disciplines while at the campus and also get connected to Alumni who are at senior positions in the industry.
  • Emotional Quotient and Soft Skills are as important as any educational or professional qualification as it helps in client interactions in banking.
  • Make the best use of the courses on campus, whether management or development, as that is the edge IIFM’ites are blessed with.

Q. How did you decide to go for higher studies post IIFM? And how was the experience?

A. Although, never attempted to study abroad. probably it is never too late to experience. Thereby, planning to pursue a PhD abroad as it has been there on the wish list and is a work in progress!

Q. What are your favorite memories during your IIFM days?


Q. In hindsight, what was the biggest contribution or take away from IIFM that you think played a critical role in shaping you as an individual or professional?

A. As already admitted, the two-year curriculum at IIFM includes courses in both management and development that gives us an edge over other business schools. The theme of sustainability is the hallmark of all learning at IIFM, which always made me think about the larger impact my work can have whether we are in the development or the corporate world.

Q. The best buddies/seniors /faculty at IIFM? Some memorable tidbits that you like to share?

A. Have lost touch with almost all the buddies, seniors and faculty after graduating as we initially had limited mobile or net connectivity and spent almost 2 decades in Hyderabad. Never even got an opportunity to work with any of the alumni during my entire career. Thereby, I am unsure about the best among the buddies, seniors and faculty as I have rarely ever had any close interactions with any of them.

Having said that, Rohit Magotra is the only one who has been in touch all along being the friend, philosopher and guide. Sonali Chowdary and Sasidhar Thumuluri are the other 2 IIFM’ites, whom I met often given the proximity both on campus and being in Hyderabad. My roommates, Joy Singhal and Yogesh Jadav have a special place having spent the most time under the same roof.

PFM Batchmates, Rajaram Sankaran & Sonali Chowdhary in 2020

Apart from that, Alumni meets were the best connect, where I had an opportunity to meet super seniors and super juniors most often. Had the opportunity to meet Alok Ranjan, Amit Gupta, Ankita Yadav, Aparupa Negi, Chitrangi Battula, Devanshu Chakraborthy, Kanishk Negi, Manish Shankar Jha, Manasa Challa, Neeharika, Nelson Royal, Nikhil Mathur, Prerna Singh, Rajaram Sankaran, Ramakrishna Atre, Sireesh Yeshwantpur and many others during the Alumni Meets at Bengaluru and Hyderabad. The list should have been much longer. Must have missed many names, which is purely unintentional.

Alumni Meet in Hyderabad in June 2019

Prof. PK Biswas and Prof. Manmohan Yadav were one of those few faculty members, who went beyond academics to constantly engage with the Alumni. Met them whenever possible on their visits to Hyderabad.

Alumni Meet during the Hyderabad Visit of Prof. Manmohan Yadav – Jan 2019

Q. As an alumni, what’s your advice to freshers or those are joining IIFM to get best out of the 2 years there?


  • Please treat all the courses and faculty with the same respect as every course has it’s own importance in defining or shaping our beliefs/opinions.
  • Engage with everyone, irrespective of demographic status based on age, caste, class, color, creed, gender, geography, language, literacy or religion.
  • Career decisions should be made based on best interests and not by majority opinions or by monetary considerations.
  • Need to overcome fear of failure, which is the greatest hurdle in achieving career success.

Q. What was your typical day at the work? And how does it look like while you are on a break?

A. Currently, work from home for a company named MS Beyond, which is based in New Delhi. Start the day, planning the activities for the day and then reviewing the work at the end of day to measure the little progress that has been made. The first half is usually spent checking and answering all the critical mails. Also, try to spend at least 3 days on the field as I strongly believe in physical engagement with all the clients and key stakeholders. Usually avoid staying too late with work unless there is something critical and needs immediate attention as it is also important to spend time with family and also to attend to household responsibilities.

Q. And how about weekends, hobbies, family and anything else you want to add?

A. Working out at the Gym and maintaining a diet routine to keep myself healthy. Try to read anything related to areas, such as, banking, business, finance, engineering, health, leasing, microfinance and many other topics. Would occasionally listen to music, mostly Bollywood, Tollywood apart from Western Classics. Would love traveling to new places. Have also taken some interest in writing short articles and essays. Publishing blogs is also on the wish list.

My wife, Soujanya Ganta, is a PhD in Bio-technology from Osmania University and is planning her post doctoral studies. Eldest Son, Agastya Sundru, is pursuing standard X and my youngest Son, Vasishta Sundru, is pursuing Standard I in Euro School, Chimney Hills in Bengaluru.

Q. Favorite Books, movies, authors?

A. These are many and these are just top of the mind and may not be the most favorite.

Q. IIFM is driven by alumni’s passion and commitments towards its goal. How would you like to contribute to IIFM or IIFM alumni and students? Your engagement with IIFM Placement or OT/SI?

A. Would be delivering guest lectures shortly and would always be ready to volunteer for any activity initiated by IIFM or the Alumni Association. Tried my best by approaching the HR teams during my tenure with banks for placements and OT, although it wasn’t very successful.  However, the times have changed and I was given to understand from the recent batches that they are coming for placements to IIFM now.

Q. What do you think is different at IIFM now vs when you studied there?

A. Haven’t really been to the IIFM Campus after graduating in April 2000. I was given to understand from my alumni interactions with the recent batches that there is lot of opportunity in terms of learning, particularly courses covering topics, such as, Carbon Trading, Climate Change, Design Thinking, ESG and Emotional intelligence. Would also be happy if they include courses on “International Trade, Equipment Leasing, Asset Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Circular Economy” as part of the Finance discipline Also, good to see students being placed in banks and consultancies, which was quite rare during our times.

Q. Any suggestions on who you want to get profiled/interviewed here?

A. Almost all of them need to be profiled as everybody has a story to tell and a journey to be followed. Having said that, Reena Gupta (1999), Joy Singhal (2000), Amit Vatsayan (2001) or any other alumnus who has not been profiled.