Anuj Sharma, (PGDFM 2009 -11), Deputy Country Director, Forest Stewardship Council  

Batch -2009-11
Current Location – India
Role -Deputy Country Director
“IIFM empowers you to create your own niche”

Forestry professional with over 12 years of experience. He is passionate about forests and keeps on exploring unique models of forest conservation and management. Before joining FSC, he previously worked in Government of India, MP Forest Department and agroforestry-based industries in leadership and managerial roles. He has successfully implemented projects in ecotourism, agroforestry, landscape restoration and rural education. 

Anuj is also a general body member of K. J.  Somaiya Applied Agriculture Institute and guides them on regenerative agriculture. He is also in the Board of Studies of MSc Environment Science, Somaiya Vidyavihar University, Mumbai, wherein he advises the panel on course curriculum.  

Social Media: 


Email: [email protected] 

Instagram:/ fb: @anuj_1910

Q. How has been your journey from IIFM to this role? What were some of the key milestones/learning in this journey that you would like to share with us?

A. It has been a progressive learning curve. Every new job brought with it new sets of challenges and opportunities. I consider myself blessed to have the opportunity to work on different facets of forestry sector in such a short period of time. I started my professional career with Madhya Pradesh Ecotourism Board where I worked on developing community-based ecotourism institutions. During those 4 years we were able to complete Skyzipping at Kerwa Dam, Samardha and Kathotiya Community based jungle camps. Thereafter, I started working with a bamboo sector start-up and engaged with approx. 2000 farmers of 12 districts in Madhya Pradesh for promoting bamboo plantation on their fallow lands.

A pivotal shift in my career came with the launch of Green Highways Policy of Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. Soon after the policy promulgation, I joined as DGM in National Green Highways Mission which is an apex government body with a mandate to develop green belts along National Highways. I was entrusted with planning, implementation and monitoring of this ambitious afforestation project. During my two years tenure I was instrumental in implementing Green Highways Projects (plantation of 30 lakh plants) across 10 states along 3000 km stretch of National Highways. 

Until last month I was working with Godavari Biorefineries Ltd and was spearheading their agroforestry operations on 2000 ha farm land near Ratapani Wildlife Sanctuary. This is the job where I got to leverage all my previous work experience. Apart from developing diversified portfolio of agriculture, forestry and horticulture operations, we were able to develop a beautiful ecotourism lodge with the name – Madhuban Resort  ( and a state-of-the-art rural CBSE school (to be operational from April, 2024). 

Rural CBSE school – Ratapani Wildlife Sanctuary

I have recently joined FSC and my major role is to strengthen FSC’s mission in India by working on different aspect of its operation i.e., value chain development, forest certification and market development.

With team at felicitation ceremony of Madhuban
Madhuban Resort-in the lap of nature in MP

Q. What is the most satisfying part of your current role? 

A. I think the most satisfying part about my job is to wake up in the morning and realize that I am part of global team which is working towards developing solutions to some of world’s biggest challenges i.e., climate change, biodiversity loss and forest degradation.  

Q. Has your learning at IIFM helped in shaping how you approach your professional roles?

A. Yes ! very much. IIFM empowers you to create your own niche. I don’t think there is any other institution which equips you with such diversified skill set. Forestry, Ecotourism, Climate change, Rural development, ESG, CSR, Sustainability, the list is endless. This is far better than studying marketing, finance or HR from a regular MBA college and become part of the crowd. 

Q. Who (or what) are the biggest influences or drivers in your careers. What would be your advice to freshers and IIFM graduates who are looking to choose similar sectors/roles? 

A. I think biggest influencers were Dr Yogesh Dubey and Dr C S Rathore. More than the subject, their approach of teaching, articulation, and their passion for teaching were the major influencing point.  

My simple advice to IIFM graduates would be to first develop love for whatever you would like to do in your life. Money and fame are overrated, pursuing them will exhaust you at some point of time. After 10 years or more in your professional career, you would realize living with family, having close friends and an opportunity to create real impact on the ground are the major three goals to aspire for. 

Q. What are your favorite memories during your IIFM days? 

A. Winning Independence Cup Football game in both the years (2010 &11) and winning Kalptaru Cricket Cup in 2011 by forming a joint junior and senior players team aka “Lagaan team” (Avinaw, Shubham, Nakul, Sampath, Nitesh and all) was great. Winning the Best Club trophy as Cultural Club coordinator was also memorable.  

Q. In hindsight, what was the biggest contribution (courses, faculty, library, friends, and alumni. Anything else!!)  or take away from IIFM that you think played a critical role in shaping you as an individual or professional?

A. I think everything and everyone contributes. Courses, faculty, library, friends, sports, club activities all in cohesion play a critical role in shaping you as an individual and as a professional. 

From academic point of view, management courses on project management and supply chain were great, I also loved the courses on forest related subjects like ecotourism, agroforestry, forest certification etc. 

Q. The best friends / seniors /faculty at IIFM? Some memorable tidbits that you like to share.

A. Every moment is memorable. It is hard to pick one. Instead, I would like to tell you that the toughest period in IIFM would be your last couple of days at the institute. It is very hard to say goodbye to your friends. 

Seniors: Alark Saxena, Vinisha Minj 

Batchmates: Wapang, Avinaw, Sudhanshu, Richa, Krithika, Akansha, Nakul, Apoorva, Karan, Sahil, Sonali, Aditya, Ana……….

Juniors: Sampath Gelam, Sumit Banerjee, Nagendra  

Best faculty: Dr Yogesh Dubey, Dr C S Rathore

Q. As an alumnus, what is your advice to freshers or those are joining IIFM to get best out of the 2 years there?

A. Please focus on overall personality development. There is so much to learn from faculty and friends. Maximize your learning during internship phase, it is very crucial to gain hands-on experience of professional life. Apart from academics become active member of at least one club and participate in as many sports activities as you can.

Q. What is your typical day at the office?  (We want to know what your day job looks like)

A. My typical day at office start with fixing up my priorities for the day. I also make a weekly plan to help me pick my day-to-day tasks more judiciously. I try to start early in the morning and initiate with doing analytical works. Day time or evening time is preferred for conference calls or attending meetings. 

Q. And how about weekends, Hobbies, Family and anything else you want to add

A. I love to play with my 8 years old daughter “Pakhi”. Living with parents and family is a blessing. I prefer socializing with my close friends and go on movie nights with my wife on weekends.

Q. Favorite Books, movies, authors.

A. English books

  1. The Hidden Life of Trees – Peter Wohlleben (for love of trees) 
  2. Elephant Whisperer – Anthony Lawrence (for unique conservation model)
  3. An Autobiography of Yogi – Paramhan Yogananda (for spiritual well-being)
  4. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey (for work life balance)
  5. The India Way – S Jaishankar (for understanding Indian diplomacy)

Hindi books

1. Ashaad Ka Ek Din – Mohan Rakesh (for realizing the sheer depth Hindi literature has to offer)

2. Godan – Premchand (for the love of rural social and cultural nuances)

Movies – Swadesh, Andaaz Apna Apna, Chak De India, Tare Zameen Par

Q. IIFM is driven by alumni’s passion and commitments towards its goal. How would you like to contribute to IIFM or IIFM alumni, students?

A. I am happy to discuss creative ideas with alumni and students. If someone is interested to build their career in forestry sector, I am always available to help them connect with right persons. 

Q. What do you think is different at IIFM now vs when you studied there? What do you think is a positive change and what is not?

A. The level of awareness about IIFM has increased over the period. Leadership is much more visible. Adding new course on Sustainability Management is a great step. 

Q. Any suggestions on who you want to get profiled/interviewed here?

A. Narendra Mohan 11-13, Richa Singh 9-11, Krithika Subramaniam 9-11, Sumit Banerjee 10-12