Shantanu Choudhury (PFM 2012 – 14): Wild Life and Nature Conservator, forced to become a Banker

Batch -2012-14
Current Location – Tripura

Shantanu worked with Infosys as a software developer for 5 years before joining IIFM.

The whole reason of joining IIFM was to work in the field of wild life conservation and nature conservancy which worked beautifully well for him in the campus placement leading to a wonderful role with JLR but unfortunately he had a bad accident forcing him to re-adjust many things in his life including his career.

LinkedIn ID:

Mail: [email protected]

Q. How has been your journey from IIFM so far?

A. After graduating from IIFM, I joined Jungle Lodges and Resorts (JLR) as my interest was in the field of wildlife and nature conservation. But unfortunately I met with a tragic car accident within few months of my JLR stint and lost my vision completely. It took me around one year to cope with my disability while I slowly learned to use PC and mobile using screen reader. My prior IT experience enabled me learn a new programming language which helped me in getting a new job in a tech startup in Pune. I was working in the field of web accessibility development but due to mobility and health issues I had to quit and return back to my home in Agartala. As there was no relevant IT opportunity in Agartala, I started preparing for banking jobs to get myself a new opportunity/job. Parallely during my preparation days, I was also able to get a report writing contractual work with the Tripura forest department.

Finally I cleared SBI bank exam and in November 2016 joined SBI as a probationary officer. Currently I am Deputy Manager in SBI at Agartala working in retail credit and NPA department.

Q. What were some of the key milestones/learning in this journey that you would like to share with us?

A. After my visual impairment, within one year I got IT job and co-published a ruby gem to make web form accessible for the ruby on rails framework. I also presented my work in 2015 ruby conference in Pune.

Another milestone would be clearing SBI P.O. exam under a very testing and challenging time for me. For this I had innovated new techniques (useful for visually impaired students)  to solve complex logical reasoning and quant problems.

Q. What is the most satisfying part in your career?

A. I enjoyed and learned a lot when I was working as a software accessibility developer in Pune. It was a tech startup co-founded by a visually impaired programmer and most of  the employees were visually impaired in our team.

But because of the circumstances I had to relocate to my home town and as there were no option of working remotely  during that time, I had to leave this  field and re-adjust my career goals.

In my current organization there are many accessibility issues which limits working of a visually impaired employee but I am doing my best every single day since joining in 2016.

Q. Has your learning at IIFM helped in shaping how you approach your professional roles?

A. Absolutely, a lot. IIFM helped me a lot in my professional and personal development. Having worked in the IT sector for around 5 years, I wanted to shift my career and was looking for MBA in rural development but one of my friend told me about IIFM and I got lucky 🙂  Joining IIFM was one of the best decision in my life. While at IIFM I found my interest in wildlife and nature conservation and slowly worked towards it leading to my job in JLR.

Summer Internship with WWF India in Arunachal Pradesh.

Q. Who (or what) are the biggest influences or drivers in your careers? What would be your advice to freshers and IIFM graduates who are looking to choose similar sectors/roles.

A. I got huge support  from the IIFM family during hard times which helped me a lot in regaining my confidence and  mental strength and the courage to overcome the difficult situation in my life. Special thanks to my IIFM friends -Dharam, Vivek, Varun, Achin, Gaurav, Manjeet, Indra and others. Also Prof. Jayashree Dubey Madam  for motivating and supporting me.

After my marriage in 2019, my wife has been very supporting and encouraging too.

For the freshers my advice is to get the most out of IIFM as it is a wonderful ecosystem; also try to find your interest area and develop your skills , work hard and build connection with classmates, seniors, juniors, alumni  and faculties as they are the biggest support system in our life.

Q. What are your favorite memories during your IIFM days?

A. IIFM is still fresh in my mind with so many beautiful memories:

  • Exploring beautiful campus and bird watching in the IIFM campus.
  • Summer internship in the beautiful Tawang district of Arunachal along with Amit Naskar, Nershwn and Rupinder.
  • Exploring exotic street foods of old Bhopal area with Anoop, Achin, Dharam and Mandale.
  • National Park safari, visiting forest areas  and fun filled road trips during 2 amazing field trips.

There are many more great experiences and fun filled memories which I am going to cherish all my life.

With friends during IIFM days.

Q. In hindsight, what was the biggest contribution (courses, faculty, library, friends, and alumni. Anything else!!) or takeaway from IIFM that you think played a critical role in shaping you as an individual or professional?

A. IIFM course curriculum, campus life  and faculties are special – they together gave me a new perspective in life.

I thoroughly enjoyed and learned from the lectures of CSR Sir, Dharni Sir, Advait Sir, Ashish David Sir, Yogesh Dubey Sir & C.P. Kala Sir.

Q. The best buddies / seniors /faculty at IIFM?

A. I made few great friends at IIFM. We inspire each other through our work and seek support from other whenever needed.

Time spent with Dharmender Rao, Vivek Mishra, Varun Jaiswal, Nershwn Mochahary, Amit Naskar, Suvendu GayenAchin Phulre, Anoop TP, Manjeet Singh, Gaurav Jain, Indrajit Salave, Krishna Verma were memorable and fun filled. 

With friends @IIFM.

Q. What is your typical day at work?

A. Currently I am posted in regional office in SBI Agartala where I am working in the credit maintenance section. Daily work consists of preventing SMA and NPA slippages, RADAR error rectification etc.

I miss being in Wild life and nature conservation segment and will love to be back there so looking to find some opportunity where i can add value and contribute to the Organization.

Shantanu during summer internship in Arunachal Pradesh.

Q. And how about weekends, hobbies, family and anything else you want to add?

A. Weekends I spend mostly with family and friends. I do little bit of Yoga to keep myself fit.

I like to read books, listening to music and travelling to new places.

Through volunteering with an NGO I have started teaching computer to the visually impaired children.

Shantanu with his best half- Mousumi Deb.

Q. Favorite Books, movies, authors?

A. Nowadays, I am mostly into mystery, thriller and adventure books. In these genres, my favorite authors are  Jo Nesbo, Ross Macdonald, Raymond Chandler, Douglas Preston & Henning Mankell.

My few all time favorite books are- The catcher in the rye by J D Salinger ,The Sun also rises by Ernest Hemmingway ,The devotion of the suspect X by Keigo Higashino ,Aaranyak (Bengali) by Bibhuti Bhushan Bandhopadhya, Looking for Alaska by John Green .

My favorite Music genres are Classic Rock, Blues, Bengali Folk songs, Hindi old classics and Sufi songs.

Q. IIFM is driven by alumni’s passion and commitments towards its goal. How would you like to contribute to IIFM or IIFM alumni, students?

A. I will be glad to help anyway for the cause of IIFM. Recent graduates and freshers can connect with me anytime for any guidance / suggestions.

Q. What do you think is different at IIFM now vs when you studied there?

A. Alumni network is stronger and more vibrant now which is vital for growth of the institute. IIFM started offering new course  which is also a positive initiative.

Q. Any suggestions on who you want to get profiled/interviewed here?

A. I would like to thank IIFMIGHT in Focus team for giving me an opportunity to share my journey. I read every Sunday issue with lot of excitement as every journey is unique and enriching so they are doing a wonderful work in connecting US to each other.

Among our batch mates I would like to know about the journey of-

Achin Phulre ,Nitish Shankar ,Shashank Deora, Rupinder Bakshi and Anoop TP

Among the seniors: Govind Tiwari,Kunal Sharma .