Dr. Deepak Kumar Khare (PFM 1988-90) is a well-acclaimed corporate professional with tremendous recognition in Forest-based industries where he has worked for almost 32 years devoting his life for farmers to create fiber-based sustainable value-based backward linkages which had a massive impact in improving their standard of living through incremental income.
During the long span of 32 years, he has contributed immensely towards CSR, Sustainability, Supply Chain, and Logistics. He has played a crucial role in Farm Forestry Plantations, enhancing farmers’ income by being a part of various tree improvement programs (R&D), continuous efficiency improvements in the supply chain, and minimizing intermediary linkages from producer to consumer.
He has also been involved in undertaking watershed management, water harvesting, literacy drive, and Health and sanitation under his controlled-based CSR programs, with special reference to their long-term sustainability and positive impact on Environment and Society.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-deepak-kumar-khare-13b8a8b/
Insta: khare.deepakk1
Q. How has been your journey from IIFM to this role?
A. Let me start by highlighting my path to IIFM which is like destiny! Being a Sainik School, Rewa student my firm ambition was to join the Armed forces so I had prepared very well for the same. I cleared every stage of selection but unfortunately couldn’t join after being detected with congenital heart ailment (came to know during my medical checkup in the selection process)!! It was a big setback for me as I had no other plan in my life and that is when by sheer luck, I applied for IIFM which had advertised for the first batch admissions. I cleared the entrance exam and with no clear career picture ahead joined the same mostly because of the encouragement provided by my elder brother who was in MP Forest Service. For all of us in the first PFM Batch way back in 1988, challenges were much beginning from developing and putting a system in the mess for arranging quality food apart from adjusting in the then very remote located IIFM campus far from city life!
Most importantly all of us had no idea about our career path post-IIFM as there was no clarity whatsoever still, we worked and marched ahead with only self-confidence on our side. We were lucky to have a highly motivated faculty team who guided and supported us well to carve our career path by creating numerous worthy career opportunities. Special credit to Prof. Pethiya, Prof. JK Das, Prof. Shashikant, and Prof. PK Biswas along with other faculty during our time who helped us and IIFM in taking the giant first leap.
I chose a corporate path for myself in between various placement offers. Beginning from Management trainee at Grasim, then managed EMS of Cement plants from corporate office (R&D) of Cement house Mumbai ACC Ltd, then controlled bamboo forest working in JK Paper with managing backward linkages especially Fiber in ITC Ltd PSPD, Bhadrachalam, further in next role headed Forestry and Sustainability in International Paper as India Lead, followed by a stint with CK Birla Group Orient Paper, where worked on EMS, Farm Forestry plantations, Procurement, and CSR.
I am currently working as Vice President- Procurement at (BGPPL-BILT) Corporate office Gurgaon. It has been a satisfying and very enriching path traveled so far which started from the IIFM hill in 1988 so all credit goes to the training and guidance provided at IIFM.

Q. What were some of the key milestones/learning in this journey that you would like to share with us?
A. Being the first batch of IIFM, we were completely unknown in the professional world and hence our corporate placements were at the middle level in a very challenging environment with almost all our colleagues older than us!! I had to pass through a very difficult and challenging political atmosphere which I survived and slowly moved ahead by virtue of hard work, dedication, and complete self-belief which made me reach where I am today.

Q. What is the most satisfying part of your current role?
A. The responsibilities and authority entrusted in my role is matchless, which for me is the most satisfying part.
Q. Has your learning at IIFM helped in shaping how you approach your professional roles?
A. YES, for sure without any doubt so a big credit to IIFM.
Q. Who (or what) are the biggest influences or drivers in your careers? What would be your advice to freshers and IIFM graduates who are looking to choose similar sectors/roles?
A. The biggest support of my life is my wife Sanjaya and my daughter Palak who have always been there to provide me encouragement and motivation at all points (high as well as low) in my life. The corporate sector is a very dynamic and competitive world so one must be on their toes always and strive to update and evolve with real-time data around us. One should also try to guide and help their colleagues whenever possible as that ensures a good bonding which is a key for teamwork and success. We must find a role/organization which drives and motivates us to work happily and start every day with positive energy which is critical for innovative thinking as every day brings its own set of challenges and opportunities needing fresh initiatives. Our positive attitude is recognized and rewarded in the long run for sure.
Secondly, one should have a system-driven approach towards work that enables a structure and a good team. We should try and delegate the maximum possible responsibility to our junior colleagues for grooming them for future leadership positions. The way our great leader MS Dhoni did with Ravindra Jadeja. One should always look to find surplus time so that it is used to provide a strategy-driven path for the organization.
Also, try not to develop any animosity with your colleagues by ignoring their negative comments/actions and build positivity by minimizing ego. It is a tough task and may look inconvenient at that time but in the long run, it pays off as we do not know who can be of support at what time in the future!!
Q. What are your favorite memories during your IIFM days?
A. IIFM is full of happy memories so will try and keep it short or else it will be endless. Our day used to start with wonderfully made bed tea by dear “Chandu” (initiated by us) who used to wake us with the hot tea and come back to check again to ensure all of us are up or else serve a second round of fresh hot tea!!
IIFM campus is a natural paradise so for most of us, photography became a hobby that ensured clicking numerous photos of every nook and corner all through the two years! And the best reward was seeing our clicked photographs being used in IIFM brochures for the next few years. Thanks to Prof Pethiya and Prof J K Das for giving me the job to coordinate all with a professional printer.
Field trips were a very important part of our course which ensured Saturday field trips organized during first and second trimesters which mainly used to happen in and around Bhopal in forests and villages accompanied by stalwarts like Mr. M S Solanki, IFS & Prof. Vinay Luthra, IFS.
We also had a great time during the 2-month field trip when the batch was divided into smaller groups of 3-4 people and was attached to Forest departments all over India. I was accompanied by Mr. Manoj Dabas, Kundan Singh & Mr. P D Jose in Kaladunghi, Chorgaliya, Tanakpur, and Corbett national park of the then Haldwani forest division (Uttarakhand) which even got us into an exciting trip to Nepal!!

Q. In hindsight, what was the biggest contribution (courses, faculty, library, friends, alumni.. Anything else!!) or take away from IIFM that you think played a critical role in shaping you as an individual or professional?
A. In our time, IIFM Course was made as a hybrid of IIM-A and IGNFA, Dehradun curriculum with a balance of Forestry, Social Environment, and Management. Our career was built on this core thinking and approach. For me, the main core remains well embedded in my genes and practicing the same as a professional provides me immense satisfaction as a Green Manager.

Q. The best buddies/seniors/faculty at IIFM? Some memorable tidbits that you like to share?
A. Ours was “THE FIRST BATCH” still known as the most dynamic and vibrant batch. Although many batches after us were also great and are doing great work professionally.
The most memorable story is when I was conducting our first Kalpataru. (It was conducted at the space between the admin section and academic block). I cracked a joke from the stage and simultaneously a person fell into the water body flowing from below the overhead tank along with the building!! Though it was an accident but we still remember and laugh as if he jumped into that because of “the Joke”. (LOL).
Q. As an alumnus, what’s your advice to freshers or those who are joining IIFM to get the best out of the 2 years there?
A. Don’t take this course/IIFM as a fallback option through CAT which you got as a second choice. Now that you have opted for it, accept it wholeheartedly and work with full dedication to make the most of your time on campus and then later in your professional career. This approach will lead you to a better and more satisfying career path.
Q. What is your typical day at the office?
A. Honestly, it is very difficult to advise how the office starts and finishes as every day brings a new challenge and routine, time just flies.
Q. And how about weekends, Hobbies, Family, and anything else you want to add?
A. Currently based in Gurgaon so weekends have become meaningful, otherwise in manufacturing units, we never had any weekend it was always 24X7 work!!
Hobbies: I play with canvass and colors mainly with oil paints. I am also an amateur photographer carrying a professional Nikon D800 camera with almost all the required accessories as I love photography.
Family: Myself and my wife live in Gurgaon. Have a daughter who is a professional designer. She is a NID Ahmedabad alumna.
Future in store: My family has a company Pa’sade’ designs where I am one of the directors so would like to work for the same as and when I take a break from my current career. It will be my second inning which will hopefully rejuvenate me and ensure a great culmination of my professional life.

Q. IIFM is driven by alumni’s passion and commitments towards its goal. How would you like to contribute to IIFM or IIFM alumni, students?
A. When I was with International Paper India I had started “IIFM– Paul Brown Center of Excellence” which was dedicated to working for MDGs and sustainability but now I have heard it’s no more functional.
I have been instrumental in recruiting many through campus placements and even through laterals in the organizations wherever I have worked and ensured they all get the best environment to work and perform. I will continue to do so and hence feel free to connect with me.
Q. What do you think is different at IIFM now vs when you studied there? What do you think is a positive change and what is not?
A. When we were at IIFM, there were only 3 Desktops with Foxpro, COBOL loaded, and one precious landline phone available for communication!! STD calls were very costly and hence rare. IIFM‘s presence was felt only on the Hilltop of Nehru Nagar as very few people knew it even in Bhopal. Electronic typewriters were the most advanced writing medium, if any error happened, re-typing the whole from beginning to end was the only solution. Our assignments and project reports were mostly handwritten so you can understand it was a different world!!
Considerable time has passed since our first PFM batch, IIFM is now well acclaimed and recognized globally. It has mainly happened with the wide and well-recognized presence of IIFM Alumni and their successful footprint everywhere. Secondly, with easy accessibility in the digital world, knowledge dissemination and connectivity have become very easy. We could have never imagined at that time.
We (the first batch) can be considered as “Storytellers” about the digital technology evolution from 1988 till date and more importantly it is worth appreciating that we as “IIFM Pioneers” are able to update ourselves and keep pace with these advancements during our ongoing active work life!!
Q. Any suggestions on who you want to get profiled/interviewed here?
A. Every single person from the first batch should be profiled as we were a small group.