Debabrata Behera, PFM 2005-07, Principal Consultant, Government Consulting, Wipro Ltd.

Batch -2005-07
Current Location – Odisha
Role -Principal Consultant

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Debabrata Behera (PFM 2005-07) currently works as a Principal Consultant, Government Consulting, Wipro Ltd. Being in a consulting domain he had the opportunity to work in several sectors from transport to skill development and so on. 

Email – [email protected]

Q. How has been your journey from IIFM to this role? 

A. The journey so far has been an enriching, educating and most importantly a self-fulfilling one. Though Wipro is my second organization and I have been working here for the past 13 years, the journey could be called anything but monotonous. Each project, each client itself is like a new job and hence provided ample opportunities to learn as well as challenges. I have worked in sectors like Transport, Excise, Agriculture, IT & Electronics, Skill development, Science & Technology, Commercial tax, Housing & Urban Development just to name a few.

I had lived out of my suitcase for several years yet enjoyed my stay in all those places. I had been in different roles from Business Analyst, Consultant, Project Manager, Pre-sales lead to the current role of Delivery Manager for my organization. I see myself evolving all through this process, getting a different perspective from work as well as personal front which is the best part. 

Q. What were some of the key milestones/learning in this journey that you would like to share with us?

A. I had my engineering in Computer Science and the desire of getting a management degree brought me into IIFM, the first key turnaround in my life. I along with three of my batch mates got our placement in Harihar Polyfibers, Grasim Industries. After one year, I wanted to change my career track from the manufacturing sector to the service industry. I joined Wipro, but getting into consulting and in the Government sector was purely fate-driven the second key turnaround. Those were the years when e-Governance was in its nascent stage and there was lot to learn and unlearn. Government consulting is a sector where I find, you play the role of a bridge between government and corporate, transferring knowledge in both ways. 

The journey has taught me many things where the most important one is to do justice to your potential by providing yourself an enriching and self-fulfilling professional life. 

Q. What is the most satisfying part of your current role? 

A. I have been growing steadily in my organization and have been donning different roles. With each new assignment the learning increases, your capability of human interaction increases. When we started, there were only two of us (Rahul was the other) coincidentally both of us were from the same batch in this sector. The fear of uncertainty being in an unconventional domain, having come from IIFM, was looming large. This gradually receded with each learning and successful delivery. 

It is always heartening to see your project going live and then the happy feeling of contributing something for the greater public good as it unfolds. Also, being in the government sphere we get to interact with senior bureaucrats, and we often build good camaraderie which continues even after the assignment is over helping us in learning life lessons from their experience. Currently, I am working in my native state for the last few years, and this has helped me to look after my family and maintain a good work-life balance.

Q. Has your learning at IIFM helped in shaping how you approach your professional roles?

A. IIFM gave me the window to have my first glimpse of the professional life through Organizational Training (we used to have 2 OT’s that time which is now called SI). The classes and assignments taught time management and the importance of deadlines and quality delivery within a timeline. Several courses of IIFM have helped me in my career to date. And it is always easier to connect the dots when you look back. I believe, IIFM teaches you all nuances of management with additional insight into the forestry-environment-rural development. 

Q. Who (or what) are the biggest influences or drivers in your careers? What would be your advice to freshers and IIFM graduates who are looking to choose similar sectors/roles. 

A. All the faculty members have been great influencers and I will always remain indebted to them. My batchmates are a great bunch of guys and they have been and will remain influencers for me.

My advice to fresher is to first try and work towards a vision for your career, shortlist the sector you want to be in, and finally what and where you want to be post 10-15 years. Each option will have its pros and cons, and hence evaluate based on your priorities. Having done that, then focus on the very immediate job you have in your hand. Whether it is your assignment, project, exam whatever will take you one step closer to your goal. This is like walking the rope, where the ultimate objective is to reach the end, but your whole focus is on the very step that you are taking. 

Q. What are your favorite memories during your IIFM days? 

A. IIFM is one of the best things that happened to me in my life. I always feel those two years were the best days of my life. With a great batch like ours, the best roomie, best neighbours, great faculties, excellent campus and the freedom to explore nature was something that I will cherish for the rest of my life. 

We were a great bunch of creative guys, had great fun preparing and playing skits during Kalpataru (annual fest) and other occasions. Such was the craziness that we were called nautankis. In our batch, Sudeep and I were the fitness freak, so the evening workout was something memorable. I remember winning several creative competitions during Kalpataru with great partners like Tarique and Ashu. Winning the treasure hunt by finding the final treasure and then decoding the other links backward, thanks to Binay. The field trip to Andhra, organizational trainings in Rajasthan and Karnataka were life experiences. The list is too long to be penned here. 

Q. In hindsight, what was the biggest contribution (courses, faculty, library, friends, alumni. Anything else!!)  or take away from IIFM that you think played a critical role in shaping you as an individual or professional?

A. We have been fortunate to have got the opportunity to study under some great faculties. While the personal level interaction with PK Biswas Sir could never be forgotten, the teaching methodology of CSR Sir was too impressive. Lectures of Suprava Ma’m, Amitabh Sir, MMY Sir, Madhu Verma Ma’m, Yogesh Sir, Pethiya Sir were so enriching and have been beneficial throughout my professional career. The whole pedagogy has helped me in various stages of my career.

Q. The best buddies / seniors /faculty at IIFM? Some memorable tidbits that you like to share? 

A. I had the best roomie, Himanshu, the good boy of our batch. So it was me Himanshu and Chinmay often hanging around. I was fortunate to have neighbours like Harsh, Kumar, Satya, Binay, Rishi and Dada (Abhishek Kar). In fact, the entire batch was a group of crazy guys with varied characters each unique in their way. Our room was often the room for gossips and hanging around. Like many in my batch, I too used to watch a lot of movies. The camaraderie with our seniors, MRM, and the next batch was also wonderful. 

Q. As an alumni, what’s your advice to freshers or those are joining IIFM to get best out of the 2 years there?

A. These two years are immensely valuable in one’s life and believe me, they will pass by like the blink of an eye. So I would advise all freshers to try and slowly work out a clarity towards their career path as early as possible and no matter what, stick to it and pursue it. The lecturers, assignments and training are particularly important to equip you to take on the world that awaits you outside the campus walls. There is no hiding from it, so along with increasing your learning capabilities, expand your socialising skills, enhance your management and organising skills too. Try doing a lot of research on your interest areas through secondary searches to increase your understanding and knowledge base of the sector as that will eventually help you a lot. 

Q. What is your typical day at the office?  

A. A typical day of mine involves client meetings, internal team meetings, working on some deliverables & reports, review of team’s work, look out for opportunities, analysing tenders, preparation of proposals, presentations, coordination with team members etc. Being in the consulting sector means we work out of client locations and very rarely get to visit our own office campus. This also demands travels, often long ones as per project tenures.

Q. And how about weekends, Hobbies, Family and anything else you want to add?

A. Most of my post office time goes after my two kids, and even then, I fail short meeting their expectations!! Else, I like to spend the weekend lazing around, watching movies, going for short family trips. I also try to do my regular workouts. 

Q. Favorite Books, movies, authors?

A. I have a special interest in history, mythology, and astrology, so often read related articles. I like to keep myself updated with news and read various review reports and articles. I am not an avid book reader, but I regularly read magazines and newspapers. Online encyclopedias, blogs on history and astronomy are my regular consumptions. I am a movie buff, so a few of my favourite movies are Life is beautiful, Interstellar, Up, Avenger series, Braveheart.

Q. IIFM is driven by alumni’s passion and commitments towards its goal. How would you like to contribute to IIFM or IIFM alumni, students? 

A. I would love to interact and share my experience and insight with anyone who wants to get a perspective in the consulting field. So feel free to connect with me for any talk/interaction. 

Q. What do you think is different at IIFM now vs when you studied there? What do you think is a positive change and what is not?

A. The last time I went to IIFM was in 2017. A lot had changed then, especially infrastructure and batch strength-wise. These are the welcoming developments that shows that the institution is on the right path. The one thing that I felt still unchanged is the spirit of IIFM, imbibed in all its fraternity. 

Q. Any suggestions on who you want to get profiled/interviewed here?

A. Himanshu, Chinmay, Satyajit, Suraj, Rahul, Harsh, Sharad and Kamal.