Mr. Rana Pujari, PFM 2012-14,

Batch -2012-14
Current Location – Delhi NCR
Role -Program Officer

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We are pleased to inform that Mr. Rana Pujari, from PFM 2012-14, has been selected to join the 2041 ClimateForce Antarctic Expedition to be held in November 2021! Rana is currently working as Program Officer – South Asia with The Climate Group, based in Delhi.

Every year 2041 Foundation, an organisation founded by Robert Swan, organises this expedition to generate awareness on climate change, preserve Antarctica by safeguarding the Madrid protocol ending in 2041 and train future climate leaders. Robert is one of the world’s greatest living explorers and the first person in history to walk to both the North and South Poles. 
Rana, says, “It is a great honour as well as a responsibility for me to be among the few Indians in a cohort of 80 individuals selected from across the world on this expedition to the South Pole, the ‘Last Great Wilderness’ on Earth. I could possibly end up being the only person representing the State of West Bengal this year, a feat I have never dreamt of achieving in my life.” This is a Certified CarbonNeutral Voyage.
Rana further adds, ” I will use this opportunity to witness, first hand, the impact of global warming, exchange knowledge and learning with my global peers and conduct scientific exploration, and among all, meet Robert Swan and be part of the ‘Leadership on the Edge’, a leadership training program that he himself conducts. This expedition will help build climate leadership and prepare me better to generate more awareness about the rising impact of global warming and climate change and call out purposeful actions from key stakeholders. On my return, my aim will be to share my story to inspire more and more youths and run campaigns to raise awareness around environmental conservation and sustainability in our society, government and businesses.”
To make this possible, Rana needs to self raise ~USD 20000/INR 14.5 lakhs. He has started a crowdfunding campaign on Ketto and looks forward to a blend of corporate, government, and individual sponsorships to support his expedition costs. Here is a link to his Ketto Fundraiser – ends up with, “I need you to help fulfill this ambition of not only mine but of us all. Please help spread the word and/or Donate to enable me to contribute more meaningfully to the cause of the planet we call home.”