Ms. Anishya Obhrai Madan (PFM 1993-95), IIT Delhi.

Batch -1993-95
Current Location – Delhi NCR
Role -Heads the Office of Career Services

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Ms. Anishya Obhrai Madan (PFM 93-95) is completing an executive FPM program at MDI, Gurgaon and currently heads the Office of Career Services at IIT Delhi, INDIA.

She has had an eclectic career spanning consulting for the environment, education, and HR sector including projects for WWF-India, managing and administering the Fulbright program for the
American Students awarded to India and running an Executive Search Firm. She has authored / co-authored papers in OB/HR on a range of topics including distributed leadership, cyber aggression, deviant leadership, talent management in emerging firms and millennial talent careers.
Additionally, she has co-authored a role-play case on negotiation, which is part of the MDI/Ivey case collection. She has also authored a book titled ‘Smart Study in the USA and Canada: A guide for prospective international students to unleash the Power of Internet for application to higher education programs and living in USA and Canada.’

Q.How has been your journey from IIFM to this role?
I have had an interesting path since IIFM – much of it being serendipitous. I believe that starting with the base – my entire educational experience from schooling onwards – I made choices which providentially have worked by building me up professionally and personally to reach where I am today.
Q.What were some of the key milestones/learning in this journey that you would like to share with us?
Each day is a new day with its own set of learnings!
Q.What is the most satisfying part of your current role?
The most satisfying part of my current role is to be working with an amazing, young and vibrant team which works very hard to give back to the community it is associated with. Additionally, the supportive environment at the institute from bosses and colleagues makes it a joy to come into work each day.

Q. Has your learning at IIFM helped in shaping how you approach your professional roles?
I believe all the participatory approaches taught to us in IIFM have stood me in good stead. Further, the IT and analytic skills developed in class, projects and during the OTs have formed a base that helps across all sectors and roles.
Q.Who (or what) are the biggest influences or drivers in your careers? What would be your advice to freshers and IIFM graduates who are looking to choose similar sectors/roles.
Parents, Teachers and Colleagues.
Hard work with Smart work while always being true to my values is my mantra for success.

Q.What are your favorite memories during your IIFM days?
The close bonding between our batch, the faculty and both our senior and junior batches – since there were only 27 of us, the tea treks to the bottom of the hill, our antics in classes, the OTs and field trips, the mess, and the quasi-intellectual discussions we used to have!

Q.In hindsight, what was the biggest contribution (courses, faculty, library, friends, alumni.. Anything else!!) or take away from IIFM that you think played a critical role in shaping you as an individual or professional?
It would be hard to pinpoint any one of these. The entire experience at IIFM helped me grow as an individual.

Q.As an alumna, what’s your advice to freshers or those are joining IIFM to get the best out of the 2 years there?
Try to learn as much as you can, have fun and savour each experience!

Q.IIFM is driven by ‘alumni’s passion and commitments towards its goal. How would you like to contribute to IIFM or IIFM alumni, students?
I am always available to give back to the institute, be it through sharing experiences or teaching. I think of IIFM as a longstanding dear friend – someone who I may not have kept up with but the connect always remains whenever we do catch up.

Q.What do you think is different at IIFM now vs when you studied there? What do you think is a positive change and what is not?
Since I have not been actively engaged with the institute these past few years, I would refrain from commenting on this though it is good to see how the institute has grown over all these years.