Binay Shankar (PFM 2005-07), Bihar Vikas Mission

Batch -2005-07
Current Location – Bihar
Role -Project Lead
“I had always felt IIFM was the right place to be and learn about various communities problems and innovative approaches that went in solving their problems and also placing environment and communities welfare first before the selfish drive for material success, I believe learning at IIFM have been crucial in shaping my approach towards professional roles.”

Binay Shankar currently leads the district level project management and implementation of key schemes of Bihar Student Credit Card (BSCC), Self-help Allowance (SHA) and Kushal Yuva Program (KYP)under “आर्थिक हल युवायों  का बल ” at Bihar Vikas Mission.

Bihar Vikas Mission is a Society formed by Govt of Bihar to ensure the implementation of seven resolves (7 Nischay)for developed Bihar. He oversees project management and implementation, ensures community participation in the project, and liaising with various district level Government departments.

Binay’s 13 years career trajectory has been diverse and multi-disciplinary, ranging from Wood Procurement to Livelihoods to Monitoring and Evaluation to Project management with a shift from the Commercial to the development sector. Before Bihar Vikas Mission, Binay Shankar also worked at National Urban Livelihoods Mission, Jharkhand and Jeevika, Bihar, and worked towards Capacity Building of vulnerable sections of Society and poverty alleviation programs.
Q. How has been your journey from IIFM to this role?

After IIFM I joined Harihar Polyfibers, a part of Aditya Birla Group where I was involved in Wood Procurement and Resource Development Activities. But soon I was disillusioned with our job. Getting involved in tree plantation was a good aspect, but the reckless cutting of a countless number of premature trees was something I dreaded. I quit the job and returned to my village as I had no job in hand, and vowed to work only in someplace where I can make a meaningful contribution to society.

After few months of joblessness, I worked with TERI for a short period as Livelihood Consultant in their R & R project as Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh, where I designed livelihood projects for the project affected people of Sasan Power Limited. But still, I was dissatisfied as I yearned for making a meaningful impact on the ground. This led me to my stint at BRLPS in Bihar with their Jeevika project where I worked firstly as Block Project Manager at Madhubani and then as Manager, M&E at Saharsa, and then Gaya districts. It was an enriching experience at Jeevika with immense satisfaction from my job which had a direct meaningful conversion on the ground.
Now I am working as Manager -DRCC at Banka district and am doing my best to bring the govt schemes of BSCC, SHA, and KYP to the needy and deserving students and youth of the district.

Q. What were some of the key milestones/learning in this journey that you would like to share with us?

My major learning has been that job satisfaction is the best thing that you can strive for. Unless I believe that what I do transforms into a meaningful contribution to society and the world at large, there is no point. It’s worth the risk to be jobless for a while then remain stuck in jobs where your soul is not there.

Q. What is the most satisfying part of your current role?

Ability to help students fly high with pursuing higher education without getting hindered due to lack of money, ability to assist district Administration in various humanitarian works, all such activities are highly satisfying.

Q. Has your learning at IIFM helped in shaping how you approach your professional roles?

From the very outset, I must say during the interview process of IIFM when I was asked why I wanted to come to IIFM where salary part was not quite high to jobs where not of corporate nature, I had always felt IIFM was the right place to be and learn about various communities problems and innovative approaches that went in solving their problems and also placing environment and communities welfare first before the selfish drive for material success, I believe learning at IIFM have been crucial in shaping my approach towards professional roles.

Q. Who (or what) are the biggest influences or drivers in your careers? What would be your advice to freshers and IIFM graduates who are looking to choose similar sectors/roles? 

I always believe that learning the self is the sole purpose that we carry out in this life. And learning the Self starts with self-questioning and soul searching. So believe in yourself and instead of getting overwhelmed by maddening corporate ladder or rat race, choose what gives supreme Self-satisfaction to you.

Q. What are your favorite memories during your IIFM days?

It was the nature trails that we group of friends regularly undertook like the rock climbing beyond the mess or long walks which entailed hiring local dinghies boats to another side of the lake and then a long walk back to campus, exploring almost every inch of our beloved IIFM hillock

Q. In hindsight, what was the biggest contribution (courses, faculty, library, friends, alumni.. Anything else!!) or take away from IIFM that you think played a critical role in shaping you as an individual or professional?
I think it was the sum of efforts of all faculty, friends, the atmosphere at IIFM, and destiny which shaped me as an individual
Q. The best buddies/seniors/faculty at IIFM? Some memorable tidbits that you like to share?
Rahul Samaddar for our almost daily nature and adventure inquisitive walks, Satya my roommate for bringing some discipline into my unruly ways, Rishi Prakash for being a big motivational factor in my life. Faculties, I admire all for their hard work and belief shown in us.
Q. As an alumnus, what’s your advice to freshers or those who are joining IIFM to get the best out of the 2 years there?
Show positivity, learn from everyone, and enjoy life at IIFM as these 2 years are going to be the golden period of your life as it has been for many amongst us.

Q. What is your typical day at the office?

Although my day starts and ends with numerous calls from students and youth asking for various scheme related issues, but a typical day at the office involves counseling candidates, sorting out the problems faced by candidates, manpower resource deployment for various activities, meetings with higher officials and field visits

Q. And how about weekends.. Hobbies.. Family..

Weekends as well as weekdays after office are spent with Family watching movies together or cooking some new dishes.

Q. Favorite Books, movies, authors, ..

Book-Mahabharata, Movies-Shawshank Redemption

Q. Any suggestions on who you want to get profiled/interviewed here?

Chinmay Korgaonkar