I have gone to the Forest

Since March 2009, I left IIFM the second best place I ever lived in, after my home. As all other IIFMights believed, it was the time a new journey began. As the focus point changed, in came a new camera position, the new organisation, new forms, dead shapes. Trying to setup a visual rhythm seemed to come naturally. All of a sudden, I was in a forest of ‘Iron and Steel’, rather than a forest that I might dream of.

I started in a big way. My first conference with international fraternity, in a five star hotel, discussing core issues of food security over an affluent lunch. Surprisingly, everyone was so serious about a piggy bank sum of money, that is the “Chirag” of Aladdin. Coincidentally, both the families of Aladdin are poor, the earlier one as well as the latest one. But the icing on the cake is that many “Aladdin” are getting the different “Chirags” and all of them are working. Hope, some Aladdin will also get the daughter of the King.

Many of my class mates and alumni’s are designing and selling these “Chirags”. The great day will come soon, where every “Chirag” would flaunt the label “Made by IIFMight”.

Research and Health were the two sides of a coin, which I got first in my piggy bank. Both were excellently drawn by Rumi’s “Magic Pen”. Health and IIFM – Surprised !!!. But, when things were written by the “Magic Pen”, you know what happened. IIFMights have established a firm ground in this field as well. This may give a new dimension to many of the forest birds having a good eye in “Health” based research and there are still enough pages remaining to be written upon with your “Magic Pen”.

“Mr. CC” is shouting, saying “See See, what you have done”. But why, am I not able to see anything, in my AC cabin with my laptop ON, with the room illuminated by lights during day time. Oh “Mr. CC”!! I have not done anything. Let me check the outside world. Then I met IIFMights again in Mr. CC’s party, having one capital obviously not Delhi, its intellectual capital. Like me, many were good friends of Mr. CC, his brother, Mr. Kyoto and their family members: CERs, VERs, REDD, Vulnerability, Adaptation, Risk, Hazard and Variability, many more……….

The fraternity of Mowglis is also roaming with latest gadgets in their hands, capturing black strips on the yellow canvas. Also, they want some “Payments” either in cash or cheque from Aladdin for services like water, oxygen and some more natural assets. A conflict between luxury and survival. But, Mowglis are in the forest, its destiny.

Our thinking box resplendent with innovation, is made up of Forest. Still, IIFMights are thinking out of the box to plant a new sapling in this dense forest. My memories shiver for one good saying “Anyone can see a forest fire, the skill lies in sniffing the first smoke.”

Even today, my brain is baffled by many queries and still, “I Have No Answers”. While sitting on the rocks of the sunset point at old fort, I fondly remembered (sunset point of IIFM) and my heart says “I have gone to the Forest”.