“44 students, about 50 portfolios” and we are fighting

I want you to make it a leisure read and not a mandatory one . Though i am focussing on some critical issues my intention is not to hurt anyone’s sentiments or criticize anybody,but to improve on our faults and bridge the lacunas which we have built amongst us.

Yesterday i was going through the number of posts which our batch is holding and i was shocked to see it was as high as half a century and exceeded even our class strength!! The shock was not because of number of posts but the sense of being “one amongst the iifm fraternity” was missing , and one reason what i see was this huge number of portfolios and personal quarrels .

I see following things missing , which if u give a patient read you would realize that each and every bit of it is true.

Ownership : The sense of ownership for responsibilities , may it be related to working within a club or on any other front . Going forward and asking for responsibilities is something that i have seldom seen. With the clubs saying that i will not take the responsibility of this event since i am taking the responsibility of other !! . Well i am really sorry to say that but in REC calicut from where i did my B.Tech , students used to fight to get the ownership of the event. And here it is exactly reverse. And still we want 30kper month jobs. Come on boss if you want something you have to show your worth. I see tremendous potential in terms of extra-curricular activites but personal differences is inhibiting us to show that.

Sense of unity : Please see MRM batch. We can learn 5000 things about unity . Look at our own self and we will see every person is criticizing other on any and every mistakes committed. Let them do mistakes . IT s human to err. And always remember “United we stand” . Give chance for other to correct themselves.

Commitment to cause : Our “raison-de-tre” is our uniqueness and infrastructure . Always remember we have come over here with a cause and ambitions. So make the best out of it. Utilize the available time in something important and constructive, may it be curricular or extra-curricular.

Ability to appreciate feedback : Another important reason what i see not happening in right direction is to take feed back in +eve sense . When somebody is giving feedback “Keep your mouth shut and listen ” no matter you discard it later on . You need to have a deep sense of gratitude to the person giving feedback , coz it is for your own good.

What i see usually happening is that a feedback converting into fight and persons into enemies ! There cannot be anything worse than this.

I know that i have given a lot of suggestions, but i am no exception to all of these . I am also trying to improve on these .

I am also looking forward to become one amongst 44 strong members standing as one.

44 minds with one goal “to be the best” .

44 brains with one “heart” .

What i believe is that day is not too far……

Cheers to iifm…
